Wednesday, March 20, 2013


O.M.G-O.M.G-O.M.G I'm finally here!!!!!! I was almost hyperventilating, staring at the grand old building which was about to be my 2nd home for the next 5 years of my life. What will I learn here? Would I be able to keep up with the brainiacs filling this place? What would my batchmates be like? My seniors?...
Questions coursing through my mind....So started the Journey...

The 1st few months were the hardest of my life, and probably the most unpleasant. It was hard to adapt to the new life, away from home and school which were the places closest to the heart. Everyday I would enter the faculty hoping the day would end soon...never even imagining that I would grow to love and respect this place like my home!
Eventually the pacha-gaha became a welcome and essential piece of the fabric of my life and I associated it with friends,colleagues and as the name suggests,"pacha"
The week-ends exceedingly became boring without the endless chatter of my batch-mates. Even the learning was fun when it was done with friends and always with the helping hand of friends and my senior brothers and sisters.
Looking back after 2 years (almost!!) it has definitely been challenging....very challenging..and still is! But yet, underlying that, is a bond of friendship,brotherhood & intimacy that help us all through the struggle to achieve the best.
The crazy stuff we do with our batch-mates, the memorable trips, the gossip, the drama and surprise birthday celebrations help us keep our heads above the ocean of information coming our way.
At the end of the day, those are the things that make the ride much more enjoyable and worthwhile.



  1. "At the end of the day, those are the things that make the ride much more enjoyable and worthwhile."
